Regulatory Guide
China CELC Guide for Energy ...
China CELC Guide for Energy Efficiency -> Energy Efficiency approval China’s energy efficiency labeling management system, also known as the China Energy Label (CEL) is an energy consumption label for products manufactured and imported into China. Manu
China CCC Guide for Safety
China CCC Guide for Safety -> The China Compulsory Certification (or CCC) is a systematic, independent product certification system responsible for safety and EMC issues and China's national safety and quality mark. The CCC Mark is a compulsory safety
China CCC Guide for EMC
China CNCA Guide for EMC -> The China Compulsory Certification (or CCC) is a systematic, independent product certification system responsible for safety and EMC issues and China's national safety and quality mark. The CCC Mark is a compulsory safety ma
China MIIT Approval for Tele...
China MIIT Approval for Telecom Device -> Telecom approval The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MIIT) is mainly responsible for the development and revision of standards in the areas of electronics and
China SRRC Guide for Wireles...
China SRRC Guide for Wireless Device -> Electrical and R&TT products accessing the market of China are subject to: CCC (China Compulsory Certificate) Certification. The CCC mark is Chinese national safety and quality mark. SRRC (State Radio Regulation
United Arab Emirates MOH Gui...
United Arab Emirates MOH Guide_Medical -> REGULATORY AGENCY Ministry of Health Drug Control Department REGULATIONS Both domestic and foreign companies and their distributors/importers of medical devices must register their establishments with the Dru
United Arab Emirates GULF Gu...
United Arab Emirates GULF Guide_Safety -> Requirements of Gulf Technical Regulation Member States of the Standardization Organization for the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf: United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saud
United Arab Emirates ESMA Gu...
United Arab Emirates ESMA Guide_Environmental. -> Energy Efficiency Requirements The following products are subject to Energy Efficiency Certificate and EE Label must be affixed on them: