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Why Choose BWTCmall Platform ?

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Why Choose Testing & Certification Service from BWTCmall ?

Why Choose BWTCmall Platform ?

As we all know that testing & certification (FCC, IC, CE, RCM, physics, chemistry, toxic, textile, toys, etc.) that are usually performed in laboratories are often very expensive and have long lead times and slow feedback.


Therefore, our BWTCmall integrates global resources by e-commerce platform, including ISO/IEC 17025 compliance laboratories to provide more attractive pricing, and to eliminate language barriers, jet lag, communication difficulties and other obstacles. We provide cost-effective test solutions to serve the needs of our global customers.


Through the BWTCmall platform, you only need to click the mouse to inform your needs. The rest will be tracked and completed by the BWTCmall platform. This saves manpower and resources and time. Everything will be presented in electronic Internet. You can view any process at any time. At the time, understand the progress of the case. If you have any comments, you will get the most timely feedback!


From your point of view, you will feel that the lab is at your side, but the cost is greatly reduced.


We can help you understand the key market access requirements and the latest regulatory changes required to extend your product to the global markets.


Manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers face challenges to ensure that their products meet the necessary requirements to enter the global marketplace. With changing requirements and a lack of uniform standards, you need to understand the regulations for each country/market you want to visit.


This BWTCmall platform will teach you best practices for market access quickly, efficiently and cost effectively. You'll learn more about regulatory requirements, documentation, application notes, key product categories, and marking requirements for key markets such as product security and wireless certification for IT, multimedia, wireless and IoT products. Of course, it also includes other products and requirements that you care about!

* Detail:
Next:USA FCC Approval Guide for Wireless

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